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Sustainability Basics

What you can do for the planet and you

We’ve put together a few simple tips and tricks that you can use to make your daily life not only more eco-aware but also a little greener.


#1 Quality rather than quantity

That’s a motto that fits with everything in life. Essentially it’s the case that if we buy less, we can concentrate on buying “better” products. Products that are manufactured with fair working conditions, and are made sustainably or regionally, are often of a much better quality, have a longer useful life, are healthier, and are better for our planet and the people who make them. In other words, the best for yourself is also the best for our planet. So go without occasionally, but then really treat yourself!


How do I recognise these products?

There are many different labels that show that products are fair, sustainable and regional. They can often provide good orientation. However, because there are so many of them, you need to be cautious when it comes to the trustworthiness of individual labels. Not too familiar with the various labels? No worries – you can find lots of books, online guides and apps that will help you to determine whether a label is reliable or not.


#2 Sustainable travel & holidays

When it comes to travel, we’re often told how harmful flying is for the environment – so avoid flying wherever possible. Europe’s rail network is now very well-developed so it offers a good alternative to short-haul flights. However, if you have to take a plane, it’s possible to offset the damage. These offset payments are calculated on the basis of the CO² emissions caused by the given mode of transport (aircraft, rail, bus, etc.). These payments benefit different climate-friendly projects, depending on the provider. Naturally, what’s best for the environment is to use a bicycle or walk.

A good alternative to holidaying in conventional hotels is to choose a bio hotel. As the name suggests, the focus here is on transparent and certified organic quality. And it’s not only about the quality of the catering, but about hotels that operate in a holistically ecological and sustainably organised way.


#3 Reuse it – don’t throw it away

Humans produce around 300 million tons of plastic waste every year. Sadly, less than 10% of that amount is recycled.* There are many ways of protecting our environment and of ridding it of our waste or, in a best-case scenario, entirely freeing it. One trend that has been around for a while and which benefits both you and the planet can be summed up as “Recycle & Reuse”. It can be applied in virtually every area of life, whether it’s reusable cups for your next organic coffee or the bag for your fruit and veg.

Our tip: Wherever possible, try to reuse things and dispense with plastic in day to day life.

We should also think about reusability when it comes to fashion. Second-hand is bang on-trend right now. And as we know, certain fashion trends come back again and again – so save your stuff or resell it! (That way, you may even be able to earn a little extra as well.) 😉


#4 Sustainable household

Finally, a few small but smart tips that will help you do the environment a favour when you’re at home as well:

  • Switch to green electricity: power generated from water, wind and the sun can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Take showers instead of baths: we use far less water when we shower, and if you also reduce the water temperature, you’ll be doing both your immune system and our planet a favour.
  • When running a washing machine or dishwasher cycle, always make sure the appliances are full – and don’t wash too hot!
  • Use eco-friendly cleaning agents or household products.
  • When using technical appliances, try to avoid leaving them on standby mode: your appliances and nature will thank you.

Let´s go!


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